Peer Review Policy

Modern Dynamics: Mathematical Progressions is committed to maintaining the highest standards of peer review to ensure the quality and integrity of the research we publish. Our peer review policy outlines the principles, processes, and practices that govern the evaluation of submissions to our journal.

1. Overview of the Peer Review Process
All submissions to Modern Dynamics: Mathematical Progressions undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process. This means that both the reviewers and the authors remain anonymous to each other to ensure impartiality and objectivity.

2. Initial Manuscript Evaluation
Upon submission, each manuscript is initially assessed by the Editor-in-Chief to determine its suitability for the journal. Manuscripts that do not align with the journal's scope or fail to meet the basic quality standards are rejected without external review.

3. Selection of Reviewers
Manuscripts that pass the initial evaluation are assigned to two or more independent reviewers who are experts in the relevant field. Reviewers are selected based on their expertise, experience, and previous performance as reviewers.

4. Review Criteria
Reviewers evaluate manuscripts based on the following criteria:
Originality and significance of the research
Rigor and validity of the methodology
Clarity and coherence of the presentation
Relevance and accuracy of the references
Contribution to the field of mathematics

5. Reviewer Recommendations
Reviewers provide one of the following recommendations:
Accept without revisions
Accept with minor revisions
Accept with major revisions

6. Decision Making
The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision on each manuscript based on the reviewers' recommendations and their own assessment. The decision may be:
Accept: The manuscript is accepted for publication.
Minor Revisions: The authors are asked to make minor changes before the manuscript is accepted.
Major Revisions: The authors are asked to make substantial changes and resubmit the manuscript for further review.
Reject: The manuscript is not suitable for publication in the journal.

7. Revision Process
Authors who are asked to revise their manuscripts are given a specific timeframe to submit their revised version. The revised manuscript may be sent back to the original reviewers for further evaluation or assessed by the Editor-in-Chief.

8. Confidentiality
All manuscripts and review materials are treated as confidential documents. Reviewers are required to maintain confidentiality and must not disclose any information about the manuscripts they review.

9. Ethical Considerations
Modern Dynamics: Mathematical Progressions adheres to ethical guidelines for peer review. Reviewers are expected to disclose any conflicts of interest and to conduct their reviews ethically and objectively.